
Concrete subclass of GenericCylinder representing a cylinder with a cross section of a circular segment.



SegmentalCylinder represents the shape of a segmental cylinder. Its cross section is a circular segment (region surrounded by an arc and the chord connecting its end points). The axis of the cylinder should be aligned with one of the axes of the Cartesian coordinate system.


shape = SegmentalCylinder(normal_axis, height, center, radius, theta, d_theta)
shape = SegmentalCylinder(normal_axis, height, center, radius, theta, d_theta, dl_max)

Input Arguments


% Create an instance of SegmentalCylinder.
shape = SegmentalCylinder(Axis.z, 100, [0 0 50], 50, pi/6, pi/3);
% Use the constructed shape in maxwell_run().
[E, H] = maxwell_run({INITIAL ARGUMENTS}, 'OBJ', {'vacuum', 'none', 1.0}, shape, {REMAINING ARGUMENTS});

See Also

CircularCylinder, CircularCylinder, CircularShellCylinder, EllipticCylinder, PolygonalCylinder, Shape, maxwell_run